Optimise Your Resume With AI

Optimise Your Resume With AI

Joberty Editorial 11 min read

If you want to work in tech, it’s a great time to start sending those tailored resumes.

To understand why, look no further than Europe's booming tech market, which attracted $85B in investments in 2022 alone. With a diverse range of opportunities from Estonia to Germany, Europe's tech industry is flourishing, reaching 98 tech unicorns in 2021.

It’s also great to know AI will help you reach these companies with professionalism and ease.

In a competitive job market and millions of potential candidates, standing out is essential. That's where AI comes in, transforming the hiring process and helping job seekers create standout resumes.

In this article, we'll explore how AI can assist you in crafting the perfect resume to secure your dream job in Europe's thriving tech scene. We'll discuss AI-powered tools and tips for optimising your CV to succeed in today's competitive market.

Benefits of AI-optimised resumes for job seekers

AI-optimised resumes can tailor your application for specific jobs in seconds, highlighting your relevant skills and experiences. This increases your chances of grabbing the attention of hiring managers and securing interviews. Additionally, AI can scan your resume for keywords matching the job description, making you more discoverable to recruiters.

With 75% of employers using applicant tracking systems (ATS) to screen resumes, having an AI-optimised resume is essential to pass the ATS test. AI saves time by automating resume customisation and providing feedback on tone, language, and formatting to create a polished, professional look.

Furthermore, AI-optimised resumes assist with Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) by improving your resume with industry and role-specific keywords. This increases your online visibility and the likelihood of being found by recruiters seeking candidates with your skills and experiences. Whether you're an experienced professional or a newcomer, AI-optimised resumes are a powerful tool for standing out in today's competitive job market.

Source: Jobvite

Upgrade your resume with these AI-powered tools

These tools use various AI techniques such as natural language processing (NLP), machine learning, and computer vision to analyse and improve resumes. We’ve separated them into free and paid tiers.

Free AI tools

1. RezScore

RezScore offers a free review that evaluates your resume for factors such as readability, impact, and depth. It then provides you with a detailed report that identifies areas for improvement, such as missing keywords or clichés. What sets RezScore apart from other resume optimisation tools is its emphasis on readability and content analysis. After submitting your resume to RezScore, the tool provides a detailed analysis of your resume's readability, with suggestions on how to improve it. RezScore also evaluates the content of your resume and provides feedback around the strength of your action verbs, sentence structure, and word choice.

What makes RezScore unique is its focus on language analysis. The tool uses natural language processing (NLP) to identify industry-specific terms and jargon, and suggests ways to optimise your resume with relevant keywords. This is especially useful for job seekers looking to tailor their resumes to specific job postings or industries.

2. SkillSyncer

SkillSyncer is an AI tool designed to help job seekers upgrade their resumes for applicant tracking systems. One of the standout features of SkillSyncer is its ability to match the skills and keywords on your resume to those in a job posting. This means that you can ensure your resume is tailored to the specific job you are applying for, increasing your chances of getting noticed by recruiters. SkillSyncer also offers a comprehensive analysis of your resume, highlighting any areas needing improvement. This includes checking for common resume mistakes, such as inconsistent formatting or using too much industry jargon.

Additionally, SkillSyncer provides suggestions on how to improve your resume based on industry-specific best practices. Another unique feature of SkillSyncer is its “Job Fit” score, which gives you an idea of how well your resume matches the requirements of a job posting. This score is based on comparing your resume and the job posting, considering factors such as required skills and experience. Although the AI-powered tool has impressive capabilities, it's important to note that it is only free for students, military veterans, and their spouses. For others, the tool offers a one-week free trial, but the standard subscription model is monthly or quarterly.

3. Jobscan

Jobscan is a powerful resume optimisation tool that uses AI to help job seekers increase their chances of getting an interview by enhancing their resumes for applicant tracking systems (ATS). With Jobscan, you can compare your resume to a job posting and get a report that shows you how well your resume matches the job description. One unique feature of Jobscan is the ability to analyse both your resume and the job posting using the same ATS algorithm that employers use to screen resumes. This means that you get a detailed analysis of the keywords and phrases that the ATS is looking for, so you can optimise your resume accordingly.

Another standout feature of Jobscan is the ability to track your job applications and analyse the success rate of each application. This allows you to see which job postings and resumes are getting the most traction, so you can adjust your job search strategy accordingly.

4. VMock

VMock uses artificial intelligence to analyse your resume and provide suggestions for improvement in real-time. It offers a detailed analysis of your resume based on various parameters such as formatting, language, and keyword optimisation. It uses an intelligent algorithm that can analyse your resume just like a recruiter would. It can identify areas that need improvement and suggest changes to make your resume more attractive to potential employers.

Another benefit of VMock is that it is very user-friendly. You simply upload your resume to the platform, and it will analyse it and provide a detailed report within seconds. The report includes a score based on the quality of your resume, along with specific suggestions on how to improve it.

5. KickResume

With a stunningly sharp website that could’ve been created with the boundless power of AutoGPT, KickResume has been all the rage on Twitter these last few days — and that’s remarkable considering how hard it’s becoming to remain on the doomscroll for more than five minutes. This free app — that allows users to formulate up to four CVs on the free tier — claims to be trusted by more than two million users, which roughly equals New Zealand’s workforce. Powered by GPT-4, their strongest offering might be outside their lightning-speed CV write-ups: Curiously enough, they stand out due to their very well-researched assets for job seekers, such as success stories or templates. With AIs getting revamped by the minute, the ultimate question is — who will kick KickResume out of the race, and how soon?

1. Zety

Zety is a popular paid AI tool that offers a variety of features to help job seekers create an AI-optimised resume. It stands out from other tools due to its user-friendly interface and customisable options.

One unique feature of Zety is its “Resume Builder” function, which guides users through the resume creation process step by step. The tool offers a wide range of resume templates that are customisable to fit each user's unique style and industry. The builder also provides suggestions for keywords and phrases that will help optimise the resume for ATS. Another important aspect of Zety is its “AI Resume Review” feature. This function uses AI technology to analyse the user's resume and provide feedback on factors such as formatting, keywords, and overall effectiveness. The review includes a score out of 100, along with specific suggestions for improvement.

Additionally, Zety offers a cover letter builder and career advice section, making it a comprehensive tool for job seekers. While it is a paid tool, the subscription fee is reasonable and offers access to all of Zety's features. Overall, Zety is a powerful AI tool that can help job seekers create a standout resume that will pass through ATS and impress recruiters.

2. TopResume

TopResume is a paid AI tool that offers resume writing, critique, and formatting services. What makes TopResume stand out is its team of professional writers who review your resume and offer personalised suggestions for improvement. With the help of its advanced AI system, TopResume scans your resume for ATS compliance and optimises it to ensure that it gets past the automated filters.

The tool ensures that your resume is structured in a way that is easy for ATS to read, making it more likely to pass the automated screening process. TopResume also provides LinkedIn profile optimisation services, helping users create a robust online presence that complements their resumes.

Overall, TopResume is a comprehensive tool that offers a range of services to help job seekers enhance their resumes for ATS and human recruiters. Its combination of professional resume writers and advanced AI technology makes it a great choice for anyone looking to create a strong resume that stands out in a crowded job market.

3. Resume Worded

Resume Worded is an AI-powered resume optimisation tool that provides instant feedback on your resume. It stands out from other tools in its ability to analyse your resume based on both ATS and human recruiter criteria. Resume Worded's algorithm evaluates your resume's content, structure, and language to identify areas that need improvement. The tool suggests specific action points, such as adding more relevant keywords, improving bullet points, and using more impactful language.

Resume Worded also offers other tools, including a cover letter builder and interview preparation resources. Overall, Resume Worded is a powerful and comprehensive tool that can help job seekers ameliorate their resumes for ATS and human recruiters.

4. CV Compiler

One unique feature of CV Compiler is that it provides feedback on the overall impact of your resume, such as how likely it is to grab the attention of a hiring manager. It also provides suggestions on how to improve the readability and impact of your resume by using stronger verbs, quantifying your achievements, and highlighting your skills.

CV Compiler can provide feedback in real-time as you edit your resume. This means that you can see how changes you make to your resume impact its overall effectiveness. The tool is available as a web-based tool or as a plugin for Microsoft Word. It offers a free trial, after which a subscription is required to continue using the service. With its focus on the overall impact of a resume and its ability to provide real-time feedback, CV Compiler is a unique and valuable tool for job seekers looking to improve their resume and stand out in the application process.

So, whether you opt for a free or paid AI tool, these options can provide valuable insights and assistance in improving your resume. With their help, you can ensure that your resume is optimised for applicant tracking systems, contains the right keywords and phrases, and stands out from the competition.

5. Profile Pic Maker

Remember the Dolly Parton-inspired “for LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and Tinder” meme? If you want to participate, Profile Pic Maker has got you covered; good news is, it can also help you out with your new resume headshot. This tool lets you mix and match various facial features from different headshots to create a brand-new headshot in many settings — either with the necessary finesse for a CV shot or with drip for a less professional take. With the ongoing surge of AI solutions, the web offers many alternatives, and high-profile business portals even demoed the also paid-for HeadshotPro, with convincing results. All in all, the headshots are usually small, so it’s easy enough not to look suspiciously AI-generated.

Creating a winning resume for the AI era

Only about 25% of resumes are read by humans — the rest is filtered out of the running by AI. This makes it critical for job seekers to enhance their resumes for AI to increase their chances of making it to the next round. To help you create a resume that is friendly to AI, we have compiled a list of tips below.

  1. Use relevant keywords: Incorporate relevant keywords in your resume to ensure that it gets picked up by AI algorithms. Use keywords that align with the job posting and the industry you're applying to. For example, if you’re applying for a job as a software developer, include keywords such as “programming languages”, “software development”, “coding”, “debugging”, and “testing”. Use industry-specific jargon to showcase your knowledge and expertise.
  2. Keep your formatting simple: Complicated formatting can confuse AI algorithms and result in your resume being discarded. Use simple and consistent formatting throughout your resume. Stick to standard fonts, such as Arial or Times New Roman, and avoid using images or graphics.
  3. Use clear headings: Use clear headings for each section of your resume, such as “Work Experience”, “Education”, and “Skills”. This makes it easier for AI to parse your resume and identify the relevant information.
  4. Use bullet points: Use bullet points to break up large blocks of text and make your resume easier to read. This also makes it easier for AI to extract information from your resume.
  5. Customise your resume for each job: Tailor your resume to the specific job you’re applying for. Use the job description as a guide and highlight the skills and experience that are most relevant to the job. This increases your chances of getting past the AI screening process and being noticed by human recruiters.
  6. Avoid using tables or columns: While tables and columns can make your resume look more organised, they can also confuse AI algorithms. Stick to simple and linear formatting. According to Forbes, ATS has rejected up to 75% of qualified candidates because their resumes couldn't be read by the software. This highlights the importance of having a plain text version of your resume ready.

    Use action verbs: Start each bullet point with an action verb to showcase your achievements and make your resume stand out. For example, instead of saying “Responsible for managing a team”, say “Managed a team of X employees, resulting in a Y% increase in productivity”.

Tips for customising and tweaking your application

Let's say you are applying for a developer position and the job description emphasises skills in a particular programming language or framework. To customise your resume for this job, you can:

  1. Include specific technical skills: Highlight your proficiency in the programming language or framework mentioned in the job posting. For example, if the job requires experience with JavaScript and React, make sure to mention your expertise in those areas.
  2. Mention relevant experiences: Highlight experiences that match the job requirements. Use numbers and statistics to quantify your accomplishments, such as increasing sales or reducing costs.
  3. Use relevant keywords: Pay attention to the language used in the job posting and try to mirror it in your resume. Include relevant keywords that showcase your experience and align with the job requirements. For instance, if the job posting emphasises “front-end development,” make sure to include that phrase in your resume and highlight your front-end experience.
  4. Tailor your accomplishments: When highlighting your previous work experience, tailor your accomplishments to match the job requirements. For example, if the job posting mentions "building scalable web applications," highlight your experience in that area and provide specific examples of your contributions to previous projects.

By customising your resume for each job application, you can demonstrate your relevant experience and increase your chances of getting noticed by AI-powered resume screening tools.

Pro tip: Put the keywords for your desired role(s) in LinkedIn “Headline.” It’ll make your profile more discoverable to recruiters and people searching for specific developers. Example: “frontend developer | React.” You can use multiple keywords to increase your chances of being discovered.

An optimised conclusion…

It's clear that having an AI-optimised resume can greatly improve your chances of getting hired in today's competitive job market. Research shows that employers spend an average of only 6 seconds reviewing each resume they receive, so you should make them count — with the help form AI.

By using the tips and tools mentioned in this article, you can create a standout resume that will help you land a job. Remember, your resume is your personal marketing tool, and AI can help you make any time invested more efficient.